So..."the boys" are all out running errands and just being gone so that I could clean and get a head start on Easter dinner preparations, and I sat down to upload some fun pics from today's egg hunt and to just sit for a moment. This is so silly, but I'm feeling really good right now! This is the first time, in I don't know how long, that I've cooked by myself and I'm reminded that I actually really enjoy it. That it's sort of nurturing to my soul in a way that I can't really explain. I'm sure there's a variety of obvious reasons why being able to take my time doing something that I enjoy, and used to be fairly good at, and not having little people demanding my attention at the same time... causing me to rush through "the process" that have made this afternoon fulfilling in a way that I rarely experience anymore.
BTW- I am very grateful for those little, demanding hands... I just feel like writing about these rare moments that I get to myself.
For posterity's sake, I need to be better at not just documenting with pictures but with words... our lives together. Lots of craziness, but lots of love and happiness too!