So excited...we just found out that David's facility in Palm Springs hit all their goals last year and because he was there for most of it, we get to go on the annual trip. It's Oahu this time and I'm so excited because the one time I went there was when I was a poor student and my roommate and I had to bring top ramen and make it in the coffee pot because the food was so expensive. This time, we'll be living it up!
We love Hawaii! Enjoy.
I'm so happy for you chel! Yay. And without Drew this time!!!
I see how it is... so quickly forgotten... what if IIIIIIII still need a girl's trip? (how do you accentuate the "I" when you can't do italics and it's already capitalized?) That's what that was.
JUST kidding. So happy for you. Wish I could come along in your suitcase.
I wish you could bring me back some of those amazing chocolates again...
Can we still squeeze a girls trip in sometime too? I miss you.
Wonderfull this my place book now
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